Introduction: android input event record/replay tool
What it is ?
a tool to record/replay input event for android platform, automated testing will be easier.
Install from binary
Downalod ZIP and run bin/install.bat
Install from source
$ git clone $ cd android-event-recorder $ mm $ croot && adb push out/target/product/$(TARGET_PRODUCT)/system/bin/eventrec system/bin/ $ adb shell chmod u+x system/bin/eventrec
- adbd cannot run as root in production builds
Push eventrec to tmp directory, run cmd with full path.
adb push eventrec /data/local/tmp/ adb chmod u+x /data/local/tmp/eventrec adb shell /data/local/tmp/eventrec
record input event
$ adb shell eventrec /data/local/tmp/record_test.txt
ctrl-c to stop it.
replay input event
$ adb shell eventrec /data/local/tmp/record_test.txt -p
$ adb shell eventrec
Android event record/palyback utility - $Revision: 1.1 $
Usage:./eventrec -r|p [-c count] [-d second] <event_record.txt>
-r|p Record or replay events (default record)
-c count Repeat count for replay
-d min_sec[,max_sec] Delay for everytime replay start (default 1.0)
If the minimum and maximum values of the delay
are provided, the delay is random.
Example of event_record.txt:
[ 20897.702414] /dev/input/event1: 0003 0035 000000b1
[ 20897.702414] /dev/input/event1: 0000 0000 00000000