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Bypass restrictions on non-SDK interfaces.

Why AndroidHiddenApiBypass?

  • Pure Java: no native code used.
  • Reliable: does not rely on specific behaviors, so it will not be blocked like meta-reflection or dexfile.
  • Stable: unsafe, art structs and setHiddenApiExemptions are stable APIs.

How it works (Chinese)



repositories {
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.lsposed.hiddenapibypass:hiddenapibypass:4.3'


  1. Invoke a restricted method:
     HiddenApiBypass.invoke(ApplicationInfo.class, new ApplicationInfo(), "usesNonSdkApi"/*, args*/)
  2. Invoke restricted constructor:
     Object instance = HiddenApiBypass.newInstance(Class.forName("$Default")/*, args*/);
  3. Get all methods including restricted ones from a class:
     var allMethods = HiddenApiBypass.getDeclaredMethods(ApplicationInfo.class);
     ((Method).stream(allMethods).filter(e -> e.getName().equals("usesNonSdkApi")).findFirst().get()).invoke(new ApplicationInfo());
  4. Get all non-static fields including restricted ones from a class:
     var allInstanceFields = HiddenApiBypass.getInstanceFields(ApplicationInfo.class);
     ((Method).stream(allInstanceFields).filter(e -> e.getName().equals("longVersionCode")).findFirst().get()).get(new ApplicationInfo());
  5. Get all static fields including restricted ones from a class:
     var allStaticFields = HiddenApiBypass.getStaticFields(ApplicationInfo.class);
     ((Method).stream(allStaticFields).filter(e -> e.getName().equals("HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_DEFAULT")).findFirst().get()).get(null);
  6. Get specific class method or class constructor
     var ctor = HiddenApiBypass.getDeclaredConstructor(ClipDrawable.class /*, args */);
     var method = HiddenApiBypass.getDeclaredMethod(ApplicationInfo.class, "getHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy" /*, args */);
  7. Add a class to exemption list:

         "Landroid/content/pm/ApplicationInfo;", // one specific class
         "Ldalvik/system" // all classes in packages dalvik.system
         "Lx" // all classes whose full name is started with x

    if you are going to add all classes to exemption list, just leave an empty prefix:



    Copyright 2021-2023 LSPosed

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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