
Introduction: A very lightweight library which serves the purpose of entering a 6 digit pix like OTP from an SMS. Uses latest Material IO and theming is picked up from whatever is set in the app
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A very lightweight library which serves the purpose of entering a 6 digit pix like OTP from an SMS. Uses latest Material IO and theming is picked up from whatever is set in the app.

How to use:

Clone it and include the module


Not really got around uploading to maven :D

Include it in the layout as follows:


Reference it the usual way

val pinView = findViewById<SixDigitPinView>(

To get the entered pin, call:

val pin = pinView.getEnteredPin()

I purposely didn’t implement fetching data from the clip board service since sometimes you might want to auto detect the sms and paste it.

To paste a 6 digit pin:


Example of getting from the clipboard

val clipboardManager = getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)  as ClipboardManager
if(it.itemCount> 0)

You can enable or disable the reset button

You can use your own button and call


to reset the entered pin

To Enable the built in reset button, use app:show_reset_button=true

It is disabled by default.

Feel free to fork it, clone it, edit it!

About Me
GitHub: Trinea
Facebook: Dev Tools