
Introduction: A Gradle build cache that uses Redis to store build artifacts
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This Gradle plugin provides a build cache implementation that uses Redis to store build artifacts.


The build cache takes the following options:

|=== |Option |System property |Default value

|host | |localhost

|port |net.idlestate.gradle.caching.redis.port |6379

|password |net.idlestate.gradle.caching.redis.password |

|timeToLive |net.idlestate.gradle.caching.redis.ttl |14400 (10 days in minutes)



There are multiple ways to use the Redis based build cache inside your projects.

As plugin in settings.gradle



buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } }

dependencies {
    classpath 'net.idlestate:gradle-redis-build-cache:1.3.0'


apply plugin: 'net.idlestate.gradle-redis-build-cache'

buildCache { local { enabled = false }


Manual registration in settings.gradle



buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } }

dependencies {
    classpath 'net.idlestate:gradle-redis-build-cache:1.3.0'


import net.idlestate.gradle.caching.RedisBuildCache import net.idlestate.gradle.caching.RedisBuildCacheServiceFactory

buildCache { local { enabled = false }

registerBuildCacheService( RedisBuildCache.class, RedisBuildCacheServiceFactory.class )

remote( RedisBuildCache.class ) {
    host = ''
    port = 6379
    timeToLive = 2*24*60 // two days in minutes
    enabled = true
    push = true


Using an init script



initscript { repositories { maven { url '' } }

dependencies {
    classpath 'net.idlestate:gradle-redis-build-cache:1.3.0'


import net.idlestate.gradle.caching.RedisBuildCache import net.idlestate.gradle.caching.RedisBuildCacheServiceFactory

gradle.settingsEvaluated { settings -> settings.buildCache { local { enabled = false }

    registerBuildCacheService( RedisBuildCache.class, RedisBuildCacheServiceFactory.class )

    remote( RedisBuildCache.class ) {
        host = ''
        port = 6379
        enabled = true
        push = true


% ./gradlew --build-cache --init-script init-build-cache.gradle


The plugin tracks some values to analyse the cache utilisation and adjust the cache and redis settings.

[cols="1,1,2a"] |=== |Purpose |Redis key format |Values

|Daily usage |statistic_YYYY-MM-DD | [cols="1,1"] !===

!hits !total hits on given date

!misses !total misses on given date

!key_KEY_hits !hits for KEY on given date

!key_KEY_misses !misses for KEY on given date


|Key specific usage |key_statistic_KEY | [cols="1,1"] !===

!hits !total hits for KEY

!misses !total misses for KEY

!begin !timestamp of last cache miss

!end !timestamp of last cache storage

!duration !duration for calculation of cached value

!size !size of cached value




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