
Introduction: Sample app demonstrating interop between Jetpack Compose and the Android UI toolkit, including SurfaceView
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Wake Me Up is a sample app showcased in the Google I/O 2021 Developer Keynote that demonstrates interoperability between Jetpack Compose and the Android UI Toolkit, including fragments, SurfaceView, and more.

How to build

To build this demo, you must first download a copy of Filament for your operating system. Make sure to select a release that matches the version listed in build.gradle. The current release to use is 1.12.8.

After downloading the release, extract it and copy the binary called matc (Linux and macOS) or matc.exe (Windows) into this project's ./filament/bin. This binary is necessary to compile the shaders used by this demo.


Main Screen Alarms Screen


All photos licensed under CC0 and available on Flickr.

Licensed under MIT License. Please see LICENSE for more information.

About Me
GitHub: Trinea
Facebook: Dev Tools