
Project Url: phansier/Coffeegram
Introduction: Android app using Jetpack Compose together with StateFlow and MVI
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Android & Multiplatform Compose based project #KMP

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Android app in Jetpack Compose and MVI

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  • Material3 Dynamic(Harmonized, following device's theme)/Day/Night themes (switch enabled)

  • Glance AppWidgets

  • Compose for Wearable

  • Jetpack Datastore

  • Realm Multiplatform as an database

drawing drawing
drawing drawing
drawing drawing

Multiplatform Compose

Android + Desktop + iOS (!!!) multiplatform app using Compose Multiplatform together with StateFlow and MVI

drawing drawing

Native iOS look & feel by Compose Cupertino

Run on Desktop jvm

./gradlew run

Run on iOS

Using KMM plugin

Next Steps

  • More SwiftUI & UiKit integration samples
  • Compose Multiplatform + Native UI integration into iOS
  • Compose optimisations

More about initial app creation:

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