
Project Url: lovejjfg/SwipeBack
Introduction: The gesture and animation for page to go back.
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Release Note:


  • support Both LEFT and RIGHT side swipe.
  • support more callback

How to use:

    1. Add dependency:

         implementation 'com.lovejjfg:swipeback:latestVersion'
    1. Create Your SwipeBackHelper in Layout like this:

         private val swipeBackHelper: SwipeBackHelper =
             SwipeBackHelper(this, object : Callback() {
                 override fun onBackReleased() {
                     (getContext() as? Activity)?.finish()
    1. Override method:

         override fun onInterceptTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent?): Boolean {
              return swipeBackHelper.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev) || super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev)
         override fun onTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent?): Boolean {
             return swipeBackHelper.onTouchEvent(ev) || super.onTouchEvent(ev)
         override fun dispatchDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
    1. Callback Methods:

          * Callback release when the shape is fully showed.
         fun onBackReleased(type: Int) = Unit
          * Callback current percent when swipe or release, size change in [0f,1f].
         fun onShapeChange(percent: Float) = Unit
          * Callback the Shape's color, Default color is FUll BLACK because is's match to the screen border.
         fun getShapeColor(): Int = Color.BLACK
          * Callback the Shape's alpha , Default value is 255. */
         @IntRange(from = 0, to = 255)
         fun getShapeAlpha(): Int = SHAPE_DEFAULT_ALPHA
          * Callback whether change the shape's alpha during swiping, Default is depend on current alpha is full (255).
         fun isShapeAlphaGradient(): Boolean = getShapeAlpha() != SHAPE_DEFAULT_ALPHA
          * Callback the max peak size of the shape NOTE: it's not a exact value.
         fun getShapeMaxPeak(): Float = 0f
          * Callback the Arrow color, the Arrow size width and so on are depend on method getShapeMaxPeak(),
          * DEFAULT color is WHITE.
         fun getArrowColor(): Int = Color.WHITE
          * Callback the Edge size DEFAULT is 24dp.
         fun getEdgeSize(): Float = -1F
          * Callback the support edge swipe side,support EDGE_LEFT EDGE_RIGHT or both.
         @IntRange(from = 1, to = 3)
         fun getEdgeTrackingEnabled(): Int = EDGE_LEFT

PS: It's Kotlin lib, so you should SUPPORT Kotlin at first!

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