
Introduction: A collection of Retrofit convenience classes
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Retrofit Kaiteki

A collection of Retrofit convenience classes

Importing the library

1. Add jitpack to your toplevel gradle file:

allprojects {
  repositories {

    maven { url '' }

2. Add the library to your local gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.kroegerama:retrofit-kaiteki:2.0.0'

Current components

Retrofit LiveData extension function

Convert any retrofit call to LiveData (Android Architecture Components).

Retrofit DSL

Invoke your retrofit calls using a simple domain specific language.

Debug Interceptor

Allows you to see outgoing requests and the incoming responses in your logcat

Retry Call Annotation

Annotate your retrofit calls and let them automatically be retried. Allows to set the retry count per call.

Cache Call Annotation

Annotate your retrofit calls and let them automatically be cached. Allows to set a debounce time and a maximum age per call.

  • debounce: Load from cache and avoid a network call, if the cached value is younger than specified amount of milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
  • maxAge: Load from cache and enqueue a network call, if the cached value is younger than the specified amount of milliseconds. onSuccess() may be called twice. Once with cached data and once with the updated data from network. Set to 0 to disable.

Some examples

See Wiki for more documentation and examples.


myApi.myCall(param).enqueue {
    onSuccess {
        Log.d("onSuccess", body().toString())
        textView.text = body().toString()
    onNoSuccess {
        Log.d("onNoSuccess", body().toString())
    onFailure { t ->
        Log.d("onFailure", "" + t.toString())
        textView.text = t.toString()


val listing = myApi.myCall(param).createListing()

val networkStateLiveData = listing.networkState
val resultLiveData = listing.result


Retry and Cache Annotations

interface MyAPI {
  @Cache(5 * 1000, 10 * 1000)
  fun getPost(@Path("id") id: Int): Call<Post>

  @Cache(5 * 1000, 10 * 1000)
  fun getPostCachedNoRetry(@Path("id") id: Int): Call<Post>

  fun getPostNoCacheNoRetry(@Path("id") id: Int): Call<Post>
public interface MyAPI {
    @Cache(debounce = 1000, maxAge = 5000)
    Call<Post> getPost(@Path("id") int id);

    @Cache(debounce = 1000, maxAge = 5000)
    Call<Post> getPostCachedNoRetry(@Path("id") int id);

    Call<Post> getPostNoCacheNoRetry(@Path("id") int id);
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