
Project Url: jeziellago/FlowNav
Introduction: Annotation processor that provides better navigation on android multi-modules projects.
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FlowNav is a mobile library for Android that helps and provider a better way to make multi-modules navigation.

The main purpose of this library is to help in cases where you have a project with multiple modules and need to navigate from one feature to another without adding dependency between them. For example, to navigate from module A to module B, you do not need to add module B as a dependency of module A.

There are other ways to solve the problem of module-to-module navigation such as using Intent-filter (which is error-prone and not support fragments). FlowNav solves these problems, either using Activities, native Fragments, or through the Navigation Component.

Check the wiki.


dependencies {

    kapt "dev.jeziellago:flownav-processor:$VERSION"


dependencies {

    implementation "dev.jeziellago:flownav-annotation:$VERSION"


dependencies {

    api "dev.jeziellago:flownav-router:$VERSION"

Router dependency is imported only on the navigation module.

All other modules will import the Processor and Annotation dependencies

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This project is available under Apache Public License version 2.0. See LICENSE.

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