iCore is a library designed to simplify Android application development. It provides a comprehensive and standardized structure for applications using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture.
Reducing Code Duplication: By abstracting commonly used operations, it prevents the writing of repetitive code.
Quick Start: With ready-to-use core components, it allows for a quick start to projects.
Easy Integration: Easily integrates common operations like Retrofit, LiveData observation, and theme/language selection.
Reactive Data Management with Kotlin Flow and LiveData: iCore manages asynchronous data streams using Kotlin Flow and handles UI updates with LiveData, offering a more reactive and modern data processing model.
Extensive Extensions: Its extensible structure allows for customization according to application needs.
Centralized Management: Provides centralized management by allowing easy access to application resources with
Sample Application
To better understand how to use the iCore library and to see its architecture in action, check out the sample application included in the app module of this repository.
You can find the sample application here.
Add the following line to your project's build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
Add the dependency to your module's build.gradle
dependencies {
Getting Started
Initialize the iCore library in your application's Application
class YourAppClass : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
val coreOptions = CoreOptions().apply {
localDataClass = YourLocalData::class.java // Default is CoreLocalData
errorMessageField = "errorMessage" // Default is "message"
IsseverCore.init(this, coreOptions)
Using CoreOptions
is optional. If you do not provide any options, default options will be used. If you provide a localDataClass
, it must extend BaseLocalData
Example LocalData
object YourLocalData : BaseLocalData() {
suspend fun someFunctions() : Resource<SomeModel> {
// This method utilizes a core function from iCore to perform a database operation
return databaseOperation({
Basic Usage
Create your activities by extending BaseActivity
class YourActivity : BaseActivity<ActivityYourBinding, YourViewModel>() {
override fun initViewBinding() = ActivityYourBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
override val viewModel: YourViewModel by lazy {
override fun init() {
// Additional initialization here
Note: If your activity or fragment does not require a ViewModel, you can use Nothing in place of YourViewModel. For example:
class YourActivity : BaseActivity<ActivityYourBinding, Nothing>() {
override fun initViewBinding() = ActivityYourBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
override fun init() {
// Additional initialization here
Create your fragments by extending BaseFragment
class YourFragment : BaseFragment<FragmentYourBinding, YourViewModel>() {
override fun initViewBinding() = FragmentYourBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
override val viewModel: YourViewModel by lazy {
// currentActivity is a property provided by BaseFragment from iCore
override fun init() {
// Set the LifecycleOwner for LiveData observation
binding.lifecycleOwner = this
// If needed, set the loading view to be shown during loading states
loadingView = binding.progressBar
// If needed, set the back button to navigate up when pressed
backButton = binding.yourBackButtonImageView
override fun initObservers() {
// This is an extension function provided by iCore to observe LiveData
observe(viewModel.navigateToSomewhere) {
if (it) {
// This is an extension function provided by iCore to navigation
SomeOtherActivity::class.java, // Required
finishActivity = true, // Default is false
bundle = null // Default is null
Create your ViewModels by extending BaseViewModel
class YourViewModel(
private val repository: YourRepository
) : BaseViewModel() {
private val _navigateToMain = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
val navigateToMain: MutableLiveData<Boolean>
get() = _navigateToMain
fun login() {
}, successAction = {
_navigateToMain.value = true
fun sampleFunction() {
// Required: The function to be executed to fetch data from the repository
operation = {
// Optional: Action to perform when the data fetching is successful
successAction = {
// Handle the successful response
// Optional: Action to perform when there is an error in fetching data
errorAction = { message, errorBody ->
// Handle the error
// Optional: Action to perform while the data is being loaded
loadingAction = {
// Show loading state
// Optional: Type of Snackbar to display for the error, success, etc.
stateType = StateType.DEFAULT,
// Optional: Text to display on the Snackbar action button
actionText = "Action",
// Optional: Action to perform when the Snackbar action button is clicked
snackBarAction = {
// Perform action when Snackbar action is triggered
// Optional: Lambda to determine whether the error message should be shown
shouldShowError = { message, errorBody ->
// Return true to show the error, false to suppress it
message != "Specific message to suppress"
Adapter Class
Create your adapter by extending BaseAdapter
class YourAdapter : BaseAdapter<YourModel, ItemYourBinding>(ItemYourBinding::inflate) {
override fun bind(holder: BaseViewHolder, item: YourModel, context: Context) {
holder.apply {
binding.tvYourTextView.text = item.someProperty
Activity or Fragment
Use your adapter in an Activity or Fragment:
val adapter = YourAdapter()
binding.recyclerView.adapter = adapter
adapter.setOnItemClickListener { item ->
// Do something with item
// `view` is the specific View within the item layout that was clicked.
// This allows you to perform actions or access properties of the clicked View directly.
adapter.setOnItemViewClickListener { item, view ->
when (view.id) {
R.id.someId -> //Some View clicked
else -> //Root View clicked
Retrofit Setup
To create a Retrofit instance using iCore, follow these steps:
Network Module
Initialize Retrofit in a singleton object or a class. You can add headers if needed.
object RetrofitInstance {
private val headers = mapOf("SomeKey" to "SomeValue")
val retrofit: Retrofit by lazy {
CoreNetwork.provideRetrofit("https://yourapi.baseurl.com/", headers)
Remote Data
Create a remote data source class by extending BaseRemoteData
class SomeRemoteData(private val service: SomeService) : BaseRemoteData {
suspend fun login(user: SomeRequestModel): Resource<SomeResponseModel> {
return responseHandler({ service.login(user) })
// If needed, you can add additional actions or convert the response body to the desired entity.
suspend fun login(user: SomeRequestModel): Resource<SomeResponseConvertedEntity> {
return responseHandler({ service.login(user) }, entityConverter = { response ->
// Here you can convert the response to the desired entity.
}, doThenOnIO = { response ->
// Here you can perform additional operations in the IO thread.
Create a repository class by extending BaseRepository
class SomeRepository(private val remoteData: SomeRemoteData) : BaseRepository {
suspend fun login(user: SomeRequestModel): Flow<Resource<SomeResponseModel>> {
return emitResult({ remoteData.login(user) })
// If needed, you can add additional actions.
suspend fun login(user: SomeRequestModel): Flow<Resource<SomeResponseModel>> {
return emitResult({ remoteData.login(user) }, doThenOnMain = { resource ->
// Here you can perform additional operations on the Main Thread.
Extension Functions
Example Usages
iCore provides various useful extension functions. Here are a few examples:
Endless Scroll
// Adds an endless scroll listener to the RecyclerView, enabling infinite scrolling and pull-to-refresh functionality.
// Optional: The minimum number of items below your current scroll position before loading more (default is 5).
visibleThreshold = 10,
// Optional: FloatingActionButton used to scroll the list back to the top.
returnToTopFab = binding.fabReturnTop,
// Optional: SwipeRefreshLayout that handles the pull-to-refresh gesture.
swipeRefreshLayout = binding.swipeRefreshLayout,
// Required: Callback invoked when more data needs to be loaded.
onLoadMore = { page, totalItemsCount, view ->
// Update the current page number.
currentPage = page
// Fetch more data based on the current page.
// Optional: Callback invoked when a refresh is requested.
onRefresh = {
// Reset to the first page.
currentPage = 0
// Fetch the initial set of data.
Observing LiveData
observe(viewModel.someLiveData) {
// Handle the observed data
Theme Selection
Language Selection
private val languages = mapOf(
"English" to "en",
"Türkçe" to "tr"
Loading Images
myImageView.loadImage("ImageUrl, ImageUri or ImageSource")
Custom Dialog
// Required: The title of the dialog.
title = "Title",
// Required: The message to display in the dialog.
message = "Message",
// Optional: The text for the positive button (default is "Okay").
positiveButtonText = "Positive Button",
// Optional: The text for the negative button (default is "Cancel").
negativeButtonText = "Negative Button",
// Optional: The type of dialog to display (SUCCESS, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEFAULT).
stateType = StateType.SUCCESS,
// Optional: Whether to hide the icon in the dialog (default is false).
hideIcon = false,
// Optional: Action to perform when the positive button is clicked.
onPositiveClick = {
// Do something when the positive button is clicked
// Optional: Action to perform when the negative button is clicked.
onNegativeClick = {
// Do something when the negative button is clicked
// Optional: Additional customization for the dialog view.
customizeView = { dialogViewBinding ->
// Custom dialog modifications
For a complete list of extension functions and their usage, please refer to the source code.
Accessing Application Context
You can use ResourceProvider
to access the application context and resources from anywhere in your application:
// Get application context
val appContext = ResourceProvider.getAppContext()
// Get a string resource
val myString = ResourceProvider.getString(R.string.my_string)
// Get a drawable resource
val myDrawable = ResourceProvider.getDrawable(R.drawable.my_drawable)
// Get a color resource
val myColor = ResourceProvider.getColor(R.color.my_color)
// Get a dimension resource
val myDimension = ResourceProvider.getDimension(R.dimen.my_dimension)
// Get a boolean resource
val myBoolean = ResourceProvider.getBoolean(R.bool.my_boolean)
// Get an integer resource
val myInteger = ResourceProvider.getInteger(R.integer.my_integer)
If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
- Fork this repository
- Create a new branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add an amazing feature'
) - Push your branch (
git push origin feature/amazing-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
For a detailed list of changes, please refer to the CHANGELOG.md file.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
Your feedback and contributions are valuable. Happy coding!
Made with ❤️ by Muhammed Issever
muhammed@issever.co |