Fess is a very powerful and easily deployable Enterprise Search Server. You can quickly install and run Fess on any platform where you can run the Java Runtime Environment. Fess is provided under the Apache License 2.0.
Fess is based on OpenSearch, but knowledge/experience about OpenSearch is not required. Fess provides an easy to use Administration GUI to configure the system via your browser. Fess also contains a Crawler, which can crawl documents on a web server, file system, or Data Store (such as a CSV or database). Many file formats are supported including (but not limited to): Microsoft Office, PDF, and zip.
Fess Site Search is a free alternative to Google Site Search. For more details, see the FSS JS Generator documentation.
Getting Started
There are 2 ways to try Fess. The first is to download and install yourself. The second is to use Docker.
Download and Install/Run
Fess 14.19 is now available and can be downloaded on the Releases page. Downloads come in 3 flavors: deb, rpm, zip.
The following commands show how to use the zip download:
$ unzip fess-14.19.x.zip
$ cd fess-14.19.x
$ ./bin/fess
For more details, see the Installation Guide.
We provide Docker images on ghcr.io. We also provide a Docker Compose (YAML) file in this repository.
Browser UI
- Search UI: http://localhost:8080/
- Admin UI: http://localhost:8080/admin/ (default username/password is admin/admin)
You can register crawling targets in the Admin UI on the (Web, File, Data Store) crawler configuration pages, and then start the Crawler manually on the Scheduler page.
Migration from another search provider
Please see MIGRATION.md.
Data Store
Currently, Fess supports crawling the following storage locations and APIs:
- Confluence/Jira
- Box
- Database
- Dropbox
- Elasticsearch
- Git
- Gitbucket
- G Suite
- Office 365
- S3
- Salesforce
- SharePoint
- Slack
Development Information
Get Source Code
Clone Fess's repository:
$ cd ~/workspace $ git clone https://github.com/codelibs/fess.git
Import the cloned repository as a Maven project on Eclipse or another IDE.
Setup for OpenSearch Plugins
Run antrun:run to download plugins into the plugins directory:
$ mvn antrun:run
Run Fess
Run or debug org.codelibs.fess.FessBoot on your IDE, and then access http://localhost:8080/
Build Package
Run the package
goal and then the release file will be created in target/releases.
$ mvn package
$ mvn rpm:rpm # .rpm package
$ mvn jdeb:jdeb # .deb package
Generate Source Code
$ mvn dbflute:download # (one time command)
$ mvn dbflute:freegen
$ mvn license:format
Integration Tests
Launch Fess Server and run the following command:
$ mvn test -P integrationTests -Dtest.fess.url="http://localhost:8080" -Dtest.search_engine.url="http://localhost:9201"
To run a single test case, you can use:
$ mvn test -P integrationTests -Dtest.fess.url="http://localhost:8080" -Dtest.search_engine.url="http://localhost:9201" -Dtest=SearchApiTests
Translate In Your Language
Fess is internationalized software.
If you want to add labels/messages for your language, please translate properties file and then rename to fess_*_[lang].properties.
For search/index analyzer, if doc.json contains lang_[lang] for your language, please modify the analyzer for your language. For more details about Analyzers, see the OpenSearch documentation.
We welcome pull requests for your language.
- 日本語 (Japanese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
- Español (Spanish)
- Português (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Français (French)
- Deutsch (German)
- 한국어 (Korean)
Powered By
- Lasta Di: DI Container
- LastaFlute: Web Framework
- Lasta Job: Job Scheduler
- Fess Crawler: Web Crawler
- OpenSearch: Search Engine