Introduction: make it possible to run android dex file in original Java Virtual Machine.
make it possible to run android dex file in original Java Virtual Machine.
- change every class before it will be loaded
- change every item of the class after it was loaded
- hook java method
- implement native method by yourself or unidbg...
- provide fake source line level debug ability powered by fernflower(!!!
powered by patch-jvm we do not need to patch jvm by myself anymore!
if it has any problem, please see
open the project with IDEA
run test suites in testSuites
Build test app
include test-app module in settings.gradle
include ':test-app'
Publish to mavenLocal
- run command
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
implementation "jmp0.appdbg:core:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
Implement native method with unidbg
auto implement reflection method by appdbg
- invoke method
- native code source
- result
source line level debug
- implement IApkConfig and set generateJarFile and jarWithDebugInfo true,run code,and the jar file will be generated in libs/tempLibs dir
- sync gradle file,and IDEA will index it
- select one file you want to debug,and click the label.
- chose the source files generated at temp/apkName/decompile_source, click open button.
- set IApkConfig forceDecompile false,and set source line breakpoint.
- run code with debug mode!!!
it's hard for me to implement all Android runtime well,if you can help me to make this project better,Thanks for your contribution.