
Project Url: alirezat775/kesho
Introduction: store cache any data type string, boolean, jsonObject, jsonArray, .....
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Useful library for push and pull from kesho


  • push boolean, string, float, int, long, anyObject
  • pull boolean, string, float, int, long, anyObject
  • cache with timeToLife
  • clear all cache
  • remove specific key
  • check has specific key
  • check valid specific key
  • encrypt data with secret key
  • change listener for editing key



add to root build.gradle

    maven { url "" }

add to module build.gradle

    implementation 'com.github.alirezat775:kesho:{latest-version}'

contribution guidelines

please commit in development branch and send a pull request to merge development branch. explain better in a commit message, don't remove class author and add your data in a header of class

About Me
GitHub: Trinea
Facebook: Dev Tools