Introduction: A swerve drive base code using SDS MK4 Modules, Neos, and SRX Mag Encoders. Fully working and updated for 2023. Features code for an elevator and grabber.
SwerveDrive2023 - FRC Team 2106
A swerve drive base code using SDS MK4 Modules, Neos, and SRX Mag Encoders. Fully working and updated for 2023. Designed for our 2023 Robot, Continuity, that features a elevator and grabber combo.
Pathplanner support is currently being removed for my own auto implementation
This part of the code is working:
Teleop control with Joysticks or an FPV Transmitter
Field Oriented control with PID
Command based auto with pathplanner
Photonvision basic april tag aligment
Elevator and grabber PID Code
Here is what is currently being worked on:
Auto commands
Advanced Phtonvision commands
Photonvision Odometry