
Introduction: Messenger(Chat app) is a real time one to one chat application with Push Notifications made using Firebase...
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ChatApp is a real time one to one chat application with Push Notifications made using Firebase...

Add yours google-services.json
Change Authorization:key with your key from firebase project

Implementation Guide
1 - Project
1 - Open the Project in your android studio;
2 - IMPORTANT Change the Package Name. (

2 - Firebase Panel
- Create Firebase Project (;
- Import the file google-service.json into your project
- Connect to firebase console authentication and database from your IDE
- in firebase Storage Rules, change value of "allow read, write:" from "if request.auth != null" to "if true;"
- For sending notification, paste your Firebase project key into your project
- When you change database settings, you likely will need to uninstall and reinstall apps to avoid app crashes due to app caches.

Check out the design...

Welcome, Login, Signup, Forgot Password

Chats, Users, Profile Screens

Chat Screen, Friend Profile, Logout Menu

About Me
GitHub: Trinea
Facebook: Dev Tools