
Project Url: Nemris/droidserve
Introduction: Python (3.5+) script to fetch .cia, .tik and .cetk files from Android to FBI on a 3DS.
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droidserve is a Python (3.5+) tool to fetch .cia, .tik and .cetk files to the FBI Homebrew software installed on a 3DS.

It's a rewrite of @Steveice10's servefiles.py, adapted to run from Android, and from which interactive mode and Python 2 support have been removed.


To run, droidserve requires:

  • Python 3.5+;
  • Internet connectivity.

This tool has been tested and confirmed to work via the open-source Termux app. To install Python, issue apt install python.

Note that Termux requires Android >= 5.0.0.


droidserve requires two mandatory arguments and supports two optional arguments as well. The following command will display a brief usage message:

python droidserve.py -h

It will result in:

usage: droidserve.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] target path

Serve .cia, .tik, and .cetk files to FBI.

positional arguments:
  target       IP address of the target 3DS
  path         file or directory whose contwnts to serve

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host HOST  IP address of the sender
  --port PORT  port of the sender

The target argument is mandatory, while the 3DS's port is hardcoded to 5000. The path argument can either be a single .cia, .tik or .cetk, or a directory. In the latter case, droidserve will scan it and serve all the .cia, .tik, and .cetk files in it, if any.

If the --host argument isn't supplied, droidserve will attempt to guess it automatically. Likewise, --port will default to 8080.

About Me
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Facebook: Dev Tools