
Introduction: ItemDecoration for RecyclerView that allows you to set spacing between and around list items in flexible way.
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ItemDecoration for RecyclerView that allows you to set spacing between and around list items in flexible way.

How to install

Add to your root build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

Add the dependency to your project's build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.grzegorzojdana:SpacingItemDecoration:1.1.0'

Since 1.1.0 version this library depends on androidx packages. If you have issues with manifest merger, you can stay with 1.0.1 version, which depends on old packages.

How to use

Decoration with specified Spacing can be created and added to RecyclerView like this:

val spacingItemDecoration = SpacingItemDecoration(Spacing(
        // values in pixels are expected
        horizontal = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.spacing_horizontal),
        vertical = resources.dpToPx(16F).toInt(),
        edges = Rect(0, top, 0, 0)

There are several spacing modifiers:

  • horizontal and vertical are the gaps between each two items.
  • item rectangle defines inset for each item (similar to item padding).
  • edges rectangle means offsets from the parent (RecyclerView) edges (similar to RecyclerView padding).

This library doesn't modify padding of any view, but calculates item offsets basing on given parameters.

Spacing can be easily modified:

spacingItemDecoration.spacing.apply {
    vertical = newVerticalSpacing
// when modifying spacing properties, need to call invalidateSpacing()
// your's RecyclerView needs to know

If you change Spacing instance, you don't need to call invalidateSpacing.

val vItemSpacing = ...
spacingItemDecoration.spacing = Spacing(item = Rect(0, vItemSpacing, 0, vItemSpacing))

To see how different spacing values impact list layout, run sample app from this repo and play with configuration controls.

SpacingItemDecoration can also draw determined spacing, which is useful for debugging.

spacingItemDecoration.isSpacingDrawingEnabled = true
// you can change default colors used to mark specific spacing
spacingItemDecoration.drawingConfig = DrawingConfig(horizontalColor = Color.MAGENTA)
// if your decoration is already in use (items have been laid out), invalidate decor


From the fact how this library works (providing item offsets with desired layout spacing without changing number of list rows and columns), list items will in result be laid out smaller than without this decoration, because some spacing is brought uniformly from each item's width and height.

This library works best if RecyclerView items have set one of the dimension to MATCH_PARENT (width if orientation is VERTICAL, and height if orientation is HORIZONTAL). Otherwise, you can see that when using GridLayoutManager the item.bottom or item.right spacing could not work.

StaggeredLayoutManager is not currently fully supported. For VERTICAL orientation, vertical spacing won't work, and and edges.bottom spacings will behave like and item.bottom spacings. Similar, for HORIZONTAL orientation, horizontal spacing, edges.left and edges.right are broken. However, it is planned to be fixed in some future release.

Performance tips

If you use GridLayoutManager with list of huge number of items (thousands), you might would like to try this tips:

  • Set spacingItemDecoration.isGroupCountCacheEnabled to true. This will make determined group count be held by decoration implementation, but you will need to call invalidate() method each time the number of items or the properties of layout manager changes (orientation, span count, span size lookup object or items span size).
  • If you use non-default implementation of SpanSizeLookup but its getSpanSize(position) method always returns 1, you might want to set spacingItemDecoration.hintSpanSizeAlwaysOne to true. You may also consider enable span indices caching).
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