Introduction: This is a sample app and tools for blog posts about full cycle of building Android app from Jenkins. Check the blog posts here -
Build Android using Jenkins
This is a sample app and tools for blog posts about full cycle of building Android from Jenkins.
Part 1 - Setup and build Android app from Jenkins Step by step guide of how to setup Jenkins and Android SDK on VM and create a basic job that builds Android apps. |
Part 2 - Build by types and sign Android app from Jenkins In this part I will explain how to update Gradle file, setup sign options and build by types. Keeping sensitive keystore credential hidden. |
Part 3 - Run lint and unit tests of Android builds from Jenkins Setup and configure lint checks, build and run tests across all modules, collect and present reports on Jenkins. |
Part 4 - Versioning, tagging and auditing Android builds WIP |
Part 5 - Must Jenkins job enhancements and plugins WIP |
Part 6 - Notifying on Slack, uploading artifacts to cloud storage WIP |
Part 7 - Build and run UI Automation tests on multiple devices WIP |
Part 8 - Setup and run Infer static analysisWIP |
Parts 1-3 are ready. Parts 4-8 are in progress.
Roman Kushnarenko - sromku