
Introduction: Fast Network Util lib that fetch data from provide URL and return as string.
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NetworkUilt is a fast and efficient open source network fetcher java class for Android which is use to make HTTP/HTTPS calls very easy. It accept URL as only parameter and return raw data in String.

1.Use to make API calls.

2.Able to fetch JSON data efficiently.

3.Easy to use with web crawling.

4.Able to make network call on slow internet connection.

5.Conditions of \n and \r or " " is taken care of efficiently.

How to add this to your project?

STEP 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file (Project Level)

  allprojects {

    repositories {
          maven { url '' }

STEP 2. Add the dependency (App Level)

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.jay006:NetworkUtil-lib:v0.2.0'


Is can be using in saperate thread to make networking calls, i.e other than Main thread (UI thread).

Simple exmaple on usage:-

public class Fetch extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>{
    public String doInBackground(String... args){
        String URL = args[0];
        String resultData = NetworkUtil.makeServiceCall(URL);
        return resultData;


Its not that hard as it looks. You need to call new Fetch().execute(myUrl) and in 'doInBackground' NetworkUtil.makeServiceCall(myUrl) will fetch you data.

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Facebook: Dev Tools