
Introduction: FEST Fluent Reflection
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FEST-Reflect provides an intuitive, compact and type-safe fluent API that makes Java reflection tremendously easy to use: no more casting, checked exceptions, PriviledgedActions or calls to setAccessible. FEST’s reflection module can even overcome the limitations of generics and type erasure.


``` // import static org.fest.reflect.core.Reflection.*;

// Loads the class 'org.republic.Jedi' Class<?> jediType = type("org.republic.Jedi").load();

// Loads the class 'org.republic.Jedi' as 'org.republic.Person' (Jedi extends Person) Class jediType = type("org.republic.Jedi").loadAs(Person.class);

// Loads the class 'org.republic.Jedi' using a custom class loader Class<?> jediType = type("org.republic.Jedi").withClassLoader(myClassLoader).load();

// Gets the inner class 'Master' in the declaring class 'Jedi': Class<?> masterClass = innerClass("Master").in(Jedi.class).get();

// Equivalent to invoking 'new Person()' Person p = constructor().in(Person.class).newInstance();

// Equivalent to invoking 'new Person("Yoda")' Person p = constructor().withParameterTypes(String.class).in(Person.class).newInstance("Yoda");

// Retrieves the value of the field "name" String name = field("name").ofType(String.class).in(person).get();

// Sets the value of the field "name" to "Yoda" field("name").ofType(String.class).in(person).set("Yoda");

// Retrieves the value of the field "powers" List powers = field("powers").ofType(new TypeRef>() {}).in(jedi).get();

// Equivalent to invoking the method 'person.setName("Luke")' method("setName").withParameterTypes(String.class) .in(person) .invoke("Luke");

// Equivalent to invoking the method 'jedi.getPowers()' List powers = method("getPowers").withReturnType(new TypeRef>() {}) .in(person) .invoke();

// Retrieves the value of the static field "count" in Person.class int count = field("count").ofType(int.class).in(Person.class).get();

// Sets the value of the static field "count" to 3 in Person.class field("count").ofType(int.class).in(Person.class).set(3);

// Retrieves the value of the static field "commonPowers" in Jedi.class List commmonPowers = field("commonPowers").ofType(new TypeRef>() {}).in(Jedi.class).get();

// Equivalent to invoking the method 'person.concentrate()' method("concentrate").in(person).invoke();

// Equivalent to invoking the method 'person.getName()' String name = method("getName").withReturnType(String.class) .in(person) .invoke();

// Equivalent to invoking the static method 'Jedi.setCommonPower("Jump")' method("setCommonPower").withParameterTypes(String.class) .in(Jedi.class) .invoke("Jump");

// Equivalent to invoking the static method 'Jedi.addPadawan()' method("addPadawan").in(Jedi.class).invoke();

// Equivalent to invoking the static method 'Jedi.commonPowerCount()' String name = method("commonPowerCount").withReturnType(String.class) .in(Jedi.class) .invoke();

// Equivalent to invoking the static method 'Jedi.getCommonPowers()' List powers = method("getCommonPowers").withReturnType(new TypeRef>() {}) .in(Jedi.class) .invoke();

// Retrieves the value of the property "name" String name = property("name").ofType(String.class).in(person).get();

// Sets the value of the property "name" to "Yoda" property("name").ofType(String.class).in(person).set("Yoda");

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