
Introduction: Android generic settings library to handle all kinds of items in your application. (Equivalent to PreferenceFragment)
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Android generic settings library to handle all kinds of items in your application. (Equivalent to Native settings preference)

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As an android developer for 6 years, there has been many times I’ve started a new personal or work project and had to redo the Settings Activity over and over again. I’ve had enough; I’ve wasted too much time in my life doing the same code every time I start a new project. So I’ve decided to develop a way that creates the settings screen quickly and efficiently.


  • Via Gradle ```gradle // In you top level project build.gradle file repositories { mavenCentral() // jcenter() is also working. }

// In you application module build.gradle file dependencies { ... ... compile 'com.github.udioshi85:libGenericSettings:1.3.1' }

* Via Maven


I’ve created a sample app which covers all the supported types/views

  • Sample app code
  • Issues? Open issue on GitHub
  • Question & Other help? Send email
  • This library was built for all developers who do not wish to do the Settings screen logic over and over again. You can do whatever you want with this library. No contribution is needed. You can clone/download full library code. I do wish to get your feedback about this library; I will maintain it as long as I’m considering myself an Android developer. Feel free to open issues / ask for new viewtypes / or just STAR this page.
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